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Insurance for people who are simultaneously employed and running a business
sunday, 13 February 2011

Persons simultaneously employed in Poland and running a business registered in the Czech Republic in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament No. 883/2004 are subject to Polish legislation.

Insurance for people who are simultaneously employed and running a business

The so far enigmatic expression known to all those who applied for the determination of the applicable legislation (E101, A1) for the needs of our clients was decided by the National Health Fund and the Social Insurance Institution.

Both institutions unambiguously indicated that in accordance with the Parliament's regulation 883/2004, a person running a sole proprietorship in the Czech Republic and simultaneously employed in Poland acquires rights and obligations similar to a person simultaneously employed and running a business in Poland.

In other words, in accordance with the Act of 13.10.1998 on the social insurance system (Journal of Laws 2009, No. 205, item 1585) a person running a business and "simultaneously employed as an employee, whose basis for the calculation of contributions for retirement and disability pension insurance per month is at least the minimum wage /.../ is subject to mandatory employment insurance /.../ . Due to the conducted business activity such a person is subject to insurance /.../ only voluntarily . On the other hand, /.../ for the conducted activity /.../ a health insurance contribution is obligatory. (Journal of Laws 2008, No. 164, item 1027".


The consequence of this interpretation is the obligation to notify the entrepreneur as a contribution payer. The date of registration is the date of confirmation of the applicable legislation in the A1/E101 form. abroad there is the First ZUS Branch, 00-917 Warsaw, ul. Senatorska 6/8.

The current amount of health insurance contributions can be found on the website of the Social Insurance Institution in Poland ( www.zus.pl ).

The full text of the answer is available here.

An analogous situation applies to people who have been employed in the Czech Republic, and at the same time conduct business in Poland. social and health insurance needs, such entrepreneurs will be treated by insurance institutions as Czech entrepreneurs. The amount of the insurance premium is determined on the basis of your income and amounts to 14.6% for the old-age pension premium and 6.75% for health insurance.

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Šafránice 555
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Czech Republik
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